2017년 4월 14일 금요일

Ministry of Justice Redefines Permissible Activities under C-3-4 Short-term Business Visit Visa

Ministry of Justice Redefines Permissible Activities under C-3-4 Short-term Business Visit Visa

In principle, a foreigner who intends to enter and stay in Korea must obtain an appropriate visa in accordance with the purpose and duration of the stay.  For short-term business visits (up to 90 days), provided that the visit is not intended for paid or lucrative activities, a foreigner must obtain a “C-3-4” visa if he or she intends to engage in certain limited business activities.

Traditionally, the immigration authorities have treated “business activities” to include market survey, business-related communications, consultations, execution of contracts, andinstallation, repair and maintenance, inspection, operational training of equipment that are imported to Korea or equipment that will be exported from Korea and, therefore, permissible under C-3-4 visa status.

However, whether or not “installation, repair and maintenance, inspection, operational training of equipment” is “paid or lucrative” has been of much debate.  Recently, the Ministry of Justice (“MOJ”) removed the entire “installation, repair and maintenance, inspection, operational training of equipment” language from its guideline.  By removing this language, the MOJ is suggesting that a foreigner who intends to visit Korea to engage in “installation, repair and maintenance…of equipment” must obtain an appropriate visa therefor.

The MOJ’s redefining the permissible activities under C-3-4 visa would also have an impact on visa waivers.  A citizen of a country under a visa waiver program or agreement with Korea is exempt from the requirement of having to obtain a visa for the short-term visit, but when the foreigner enters Korea under a visa waiver, he or she is treated as having a C-3-4 visa status.  Therefore, to the extent that “installation, repair and maintenance…of equipment” is no longer deemed permissible under a C-3-4 visa, it would be improper for a foreigner under a visa wavier to engage in said activities without first obtaining an appropriate visa therefor.

For violation of the immigration law, the foreigner as well as the person responsible at the hosting entity in Korea may be subject to administrative and criminal sanctions.  The hosting entity may also be subject to administrative and criminal sanctions.  More importantly, the hosting entity’s eligibility to invite or sponsor a foreigner for a visa may be suspended for a certain period.

단기방문(C-3) 비자의 상용활동 범위와 관련, 법무부의 지침이 2017. 3. 9. 변경되어 산하기관과 재외공관 등에 시달되었습니다. 변경되는 지침의 내용은 아래와 같습니다.
단기방문(C-3)비자의 상용활동은 시장조사, 업무연락, 상담, 계약 등 일시적인 비영리 목적을 위해 방문하는 것으로, 반복적으로 입국하며 일정기간 이상 체류하면서 서비스(용역)을 제공하는 행위는 실질적인 영리활동에 해당하므로 단기방문 체류자격(C-3)의 활동으로 볼 수 없음
  • 실질적 영리활동 : 보수성 경비를 국내가 아닌 해외에서 지급받더라도 각종 계약에 의하여 국내 공ㆍ사기관에 파견되어 실질적인 서비스를 제공하거나 사업수주 등으로 국내 공ㆍ사기관에 파견되어 실질적인 업무를 하는 경우에는 단기방문 체류자격(C-3) 활동범위를 벗어난 것으로 영리활동에 해당
따라서 수출입기계 등의 설치ㆍ유지보수조선  산업설비의 제작ㆍ감독 등을 위하여 대한민국 내의 공ㆍ사기관에 파견되어 근무하는 외국인의 활동은 영리행위로 단기방문 체류자격의 활동범위를 벗어난 행위이므로 단기취업(C-4) 또는 무역경영(D-9) 사증을발급
  • 수출입기계 등의 설치 등의 목적으로 사증을 신청하는 경우 계약서(구매계약, 용역, 위탁계약)에 설치 등에 관한 의무가 포함되어 있어야 하며, 신청자는 동 의무를 위한 필수기술을 보유하고 있어야 함 (국내 조달이 가능한 기술인 경우에는 국내 노동시장을 우선 고려)

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