2016년 4월 8일 금요일

통신판매사업자 조회 방법

본자료는 전자상거래시장에서 소비자가 정확한 사업자 정보를 가지고 안전한 거래를 할 수 있도록 전국 시,군,구에 신고된 통신판매업자의 신원정보를 전자상거래소비자보 호법 제12조4항 에 따라 제공하는 정보입니다. 사업자 정보에 대한 궁금한 사항이나 사업자의 신원정보가 정보공개 내용과 불일치할 경우에는 사업자 정보검색시 확인되는 해당 신고기관(지방자치단체)에 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.

일부 사업자의 경우, 부가가치세법상 사업자 폐업 신고는 하였으나 전자상거래법상 통신판매업 폐업 신고는 하지 않은 사례가 있을 수 있습니다. 소비자 피해를 방지하기 위해 부가가치세법상 사업자 폐업 여부도 국세청 홈택스 페이지(http://www.hometax.go.kr)의 사업자등록상태조회 코너를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다.


2016년 4월 7일 목요일

Programming Smart Contracts on Ethereum

Some people say Ethereum is too logic-heavy and hard to use, but here’s a write-up to give you a feel for building smart contracts and applications with it. Tools, wallets, applications and the ecosystem are still in development and it’ll get easier!

2016년 4월 2일 토요일

MOEL Announces Labor Inspection Plan for 2016

The Ministry of Employment and Labor ("MOEL") recently announced its Workplace Labor Inspection Plan for 2016 (the "Plan"). The Plan's intent is to reduce the gap between regular workers and more vulnerable non-regular workers through reforming working conditions and improving treatment of non-regular workers. Based on the Plan's details, we expect that labor inspections will be strengthened qualitatively, as well as quantitatively, in comparison to last year.


The following are the key points of the Plan:


1.     Creation of Workplace Inspection Team and Digital (Forensics) Analysis Team


As a trial run, the MOEL will establish a team devoted to inspecting workplaces to allow inspections under criteria more tailored to each individual workplace. The inspections will focus on unfair labor practices and unlawful dispatch cases, which recently emerged as important issues.  In addition, to strengthen the forensic tools available for inspections, the MOEL will establish a digital forensics analysis team to support the inspectors when restoring and analyzing electronic documents is necessary.  


2.     10 Key Areas of Focus for Workplace Inspections


Workplace inspections will focus on the following issues:


(1)      whether the employment contracts are executed in writing;

(2)      whether the employer is preserving employment contracts;

(3)      whether the wage books and records are kept;

(4)      whether any wages or other money payable has been promptly paid to employees;

(5)      working hours;

(6)      extended work, nighttime work, and holiday work;

(7)      paid weekly holiday;

(8)      minimum wage;

(9)      severance pay; and

(10)    annual leave.


In addition, to alleviate the gap between regular workers and non-regular workers (which has become a major social issue), the MOEL will focus on reforming the treatment of and eliminating discrimination against non-regular workers (e.g., fixed-term employees, dispatched workers, and subcontracted workers). Furthermore, the MOEL will conduct inspections of workplaces that retain significant numbers of teenage workers, interns and/or part-time workers.


  Labor Inspector Administration Regulation Revised


As a separate issue, on March 8, 2016, the MOEL announced its revision of the Labor Inspector Administration Regulation (the "Revised Regulation"), which is expected to come into force on July 1, 2016. Under the Revised Regulation, the disposition of violations of certain labor-related laws has been enhanced substantially.


The following is noteworthy under the Revised Regulation:  


§   Violations of serious matters (e.g., restrictions on dismissal, maternity leave)

Under the current regulation, no further legal action was taken against an employer for violation of serious matters provided that the employer complies with a correction order. However, under the Revised Regulation, a labor inspector must take legal action without first issuing a corrective order.


§   Violations related to wages and settlement of money

Under the current regulation, an employer has 25 days from the date of the correction order to cure the failure to pay wages or other money payable to an employee. However, under the Revised Regulation, the employer will only have 14 days to cure.


With regard to violation of matters that can be cured in a shorter period (e.g., execution of employment contract in writing, reassignment of apprentices, posting new laws), the cure period will be reduced from 14 days to 7 days.


It seems that the MOEL intends to set a higher bar on workplace inspections starting this year. More importantly, the regulatory basis for a labor inspector to dispense with corrective orders and directly take legal action against violators would pose a more immediate risk to employers. Accordingly, a prompt compliance check of workplaces is highly recommended. 

고용노동부는 최근 「2016년 사업장 근로감독 종합시행계획」을 수립하여 현장에 공유하였습니다이번근로감독계획은 귀사의 운영에도 영향을 끼칠 수있을 것으로 보이는바취약계층 근로조건 개선과비정규직 처우 향상을 통한 노동시장 격차해소에중점을 두는 이번 근로감독계획에 따르면전년에비해 질적양적 측면에서 근로감독이 보다 강화될것으로 예상됩니다이에 이번 근로감독계획의 주요내용을 말씀 드리면 아래와 같습니다


1.     사업장감독 전담팀디지털 증거분석팀 신설


고용노동부는 2016년부터 시범적으로 사업장근로감독을 전담하는 전담팀을 신설더세밀하게 각 사업장 특성을 반영한 분야별 감독을실시하고파급효과가 큰 부당노동행위불법파견등에 대해서도 집중적으로 감독을 시행할예정입니다또한수사역량 강화를 위하여삭제된 전자문서의 복원분석 등을 담당하는디지털 증거분석팀도 신설하고 사업장근로감독을 전담할 인력을 보완하여 근로감독을강화할 예정입니다


2.     사업장 근로감독 10 중점 점검사항


고용노동부는 2016년 근로감독을 실시함에있어① 서면근로계약② 계약서류 미보존③임금대장 미작성④ 금품청산⑤ 근로시간⑥연장∙야간·휴일근로⑦ 유급주휴일⑧최저임금⑨ 퇴직급여⑩ 연차휴가에 집중할예정입니다이에 더하여최근 사회적으로이슈가 되고 있는 노동시장의 이중격차를해소하기 위하여 비정규직(기간제파견직,하도급 근로자 등근로자의 처우 개선과차별해소에 주력할 예정이며취약계층인청소년인턴단시간근로자 등을 다수 고용하고있는 업종을 대상으로도 집중 감독을 시행할예정입니다


   근로감독관 집무규정 개정


아울러 고용노동부는 2016. 3. 8. 근로감독관집무규정을 개정·공포(2016. 7. 1시행예정)하였는데근로감독관 집무규정을개정함으로써 개별노동관계법 위반사항에 대한처리기준을 대폭 강화하였으며주된 내용은아래와 같습니다.


§   중한 위반사항(해고 제한규정 위반,출산전후휴가 부여 위반 등)에 대해서는시정명령을 부여하지 않고 즉시 범죄인지할예정입니다이번 개정 전에는 시정명령에따라 시정하면 별도로 사법처리를 하지는않았으나이번 개정으로 시정명령 없이사법처리를 하는 것으로 달라지게 됩니다.

§   금품체불 등 임금과 관련된 위반사항들은시정기간이 현행 25일에서 14일로단축되며그 외 짧은 기간에 시정이 가능한서면근로계약 체결기능습득자의배치전환법령요지 게시 등의 위반사항역시 시정기간이 현행 14일에서 7일로단축될 예정입니다.


이처럼고용노동부가 2016년부터 사업장감독전담팀디지털 증거분석팀을 신설하고 주요위반사항에 대해서는 예전과 달리 시정명령 없이즉시 입건하거나 시정기간을 대폭 축소한 점에비추어 볼 때 올해부터는 사업장 근로감독이 보다엄격하게 시행될 것으로 예상됩니다특히,근로감독을 통해 법 위반사실이 적발될 경우위반행위의 경중에 따라 사용자가 이를 시정하더라도사법처리가 진행될 가능성이 높아진 점을 고려해 볼때사전에 법 위반사항이 없는지를 점검할 필요성이있을 것으로 판단됩니다.


Proposed Amendments to FX Laws and Regulations in Korea

On March 15, 2016, the Korean government passed amendments to the Enforcement Decree of the Foreign Exchange Transaction Law (the FETL) and the Foreign Exchange Transaction Regulations.  Generally, these amendments aim to (i) strengthen the regulatory reporting requirement for capital transactions, (ii) allow non-banking financial institutions to engage in a wider scope of foreign exchange business than in the past, and (iii) foster the FinTech industry by permitting FinTech business operators to transfer foreign currency in small amounts. The amendments are expected to be promulgated this March and will take effect immediately upon promulgation. 


Separately, the Korean government promulgated, on March 2, 2016, an amendment to the FETL that lowers the severity of sanctions for violating the reporting requirement for carrying foreign cash in and out of Korea, and this amendment will be in force from June 2, 2016.


The following summarizes major aspects of the amendments to the foreign exchange laws and regulations:


1.     Strengthening the Regulatory Reporting Requirement for Capital Transactions by Lowering the Violation Threshold Amount That Can Trigger Criminal Sanctions (Amendment to Article 40, Item 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the FETL)


Currently, if a person fails to file a regulatory report for a capital transaction, which amount exceeds KRW 5 billion, the person is subject to  certain criminal sanctions stipulated under the FETL.  The amendment lowers this threshold amount for criminal sanctions from KRW 5 billion to KRW 1 billion.  Accordingly, the amendment will bring more capital transactions into the ambit of criminal prosecution, if the requisite report is not filed.  In view of the foregoing, it would be advisable for companies engaging in certain capital transactions triggering reporting obligations under the FETL to pay particularly close attention to ensure full compliance therewith. 


2.     Allowing Non-Banking Financial Institutions to Engage in a Wider Scope of Foreign Exchange Business Than in the Past by Reforming the Regulatory Framework from a PositiveApproach to a Negative Approach (Amendment to Article 14 of the Enforcement Decree of the FETL)


Even if there is a market demand for specific foreign exchange business, non-banking financial institutions, such as securities and insurance companies, cannot currently conduct such foreign exchange business, unless the foreign exchange laws and regulations explicitly permit them to do so.  The amendment will change this regulatory framework dramatically in such a way the non-banking financial institutions can conduct any foreign exchange business even if they are not explicitly permitted to do so under the foreign exchange laws and regulations. 


However, they will still be prohibited from conducting some foreign exchange business, such as conducting incoming or outgoing foreign exchange transfers or receiving foreign currency deposits.


Once the amendment takes effect, it is expected that the non-banking financial institutions would be able to expand their foreign exchange business to a new level.


3.     Fostering the FinTech Industry by Permitting Transfer of Small Foreign Currency Amounts by FinTechBusiness Operators


Up until now, transfer of foreign currency must be made only through banks in Korea.  The amendment, however, will permit FinTech business operators to provide such transfer service.  In order to do so, the FinTech business operators must be duly licensed, and the licensing requirements will include, without limitation, having the minimum equity capital of KRW 300 million, installing appropriate IT systems in place, and entering into a partnership arrangement with a bank. 


Based on the amendment, the licensedFinTech business operators can transfer up to USD 3,000 per transaction and USD 20,000 per year for each customer. 


When the Fin-Tech business operators newly enter the foreign currency transfer market, fees charged to customers for the foreign currency transfer service are expected to fall. 


4.     Exempting Failure to Report Carrying a Small Amount of Foreign Cash In and Out of Korea from Criminal Sanctions (Amendments to Article 29, Paragraph 1, Item 7 and Article 32, Paragraph 1, Item 3-2 of the FETL)


Under the FETL, if a person carrying foreign currency cash in excess of USD 10,000 fails to file a report, the person is subject to criminal sanctions, such as imprisonment of up to 1 year and/or a criminal fine of up to KRW 100million. However, there has been a view that this penalty scheme creates too many ordinary citizens with a criminal record.  In light of such view, the amendment will keep the criminal sanctions from applying to the extent that the concerned foreign cash does not exceed a new amount to be set forth in the Presidential Decree. Under the amendment, the Presidential Decree will stipulate the threshold amount above USD 20,000. 


Please note that even if the criminal sanctions will cease to apply, an administrative fine of up to KRW 50 million will continue to apply if a person does not report his/her carrying of foreign currency cash in excess of USD 10,000. 


자본거래 신고의무를 강화하고 非은행금융사의 외국환업무 취급범위를 확대하는 내용을 골자로 하는 외국환거래법 시행령 및 외국환거래규정 개정안이 지난2016 3 15일 국무회의를 통과하여 확정되었습니다이번 개정안은 3월 중으로 공포되어 즉시 시행될 것으로 예상됩니다이와 별도로 외화휴대 반ㆍ출입 신고의무 위반에 대한 처벌 수준을 낮춘 외국환거래법 개정안이 2016. 3. 2. 공포되어 2016. 6. 2.부터 시행될 예정입니다.


이번에 개정된 외국환거래법령 개정안의 주요 내용은아래와 같습니다.


1.   형사처벌 기준금액 하향조정을 통한 자본거래 신고의무의 강화 (시행령 40 2)


개정 외국환거래법 시행령은 외국환거래법상자본거래 신고의무 위반시 형사처벌의 대상이되는 기준금액을 현행 50억원에서 10억원으로 하향 조정함으로써 형사처벌의 대상을 확대하였습니다이에 따라 개정 법령 시행일 이후10억원이 넘는 자본거래에 대하여 외국환거래법상 필요한 신고를 하지 아니하면 과태료가아닌 형사처벌을 받게 됩니다따라서 향후 자본거래 신고의무의 준수에 각별한 주의가 필요합니다.


2.   네거티브 규제방식 도입을 통한 은행금융사의 외국환업무범위 확대 (시행령 14)


종래 증권보험 등 非은행금융사의 경우 새로운 외환업무 수요가 있다고 하더라도 외국환거래법령에서 이를 명시적으로 허용하기 전에는해당 업무를 영위할 수 없었습니다하지만 이번 개정을 통하여 非은행금융사의 외국환업무취급범위 규정방식이 포지티브 방식에서 네거티브 방식으로 전환됨에 따라해당 업권별 母法에서 허용된 업무와 직접 관련된 외국환 업무는 일부 예외(대한민국과 외국과의 지급ㆍ수령외화예금 등)를 제외하고 별도 허용 규정없이도 곧바로 영위할 수 있게 되었습니다이러한 개정을 통해 非은행금융사의 외국환업무범위가 획기적으로 확대될 것으로 예상됩니다.


3.   핀테크 산업 활성화를 위한 소액 외화이체업 허용


지금까지는 은행을 통해서만 가능했던 외화이체가 앞으로는 핀테크 사업자를 통해서도 가능해집니다개정 법령에 따르면일정한 자본금(3억원 이상), 전산설비 등의 요건을 갖추고은행과 업무협약을 체결한 핀테크 사업자들에대하여 소액외화이체업을 허용해주었습니다.이에 따라 앞으로는 소액외화이체업자를 통해인당 건별 3천불 이내연간 2만불 이내에서외화이체가 가능해졌습니다핀테크사업자 등을 통한 소액 외화이체가 가능하게 됨에 따라이체수수료 부담이 줄어들 것으로 예상됩니다.


4.   외화휴대반출입 미신고 금액이 소액인 경우 형사처벌 대상에서 제외 (외국환거래법29 1 732 1 3호의2)


종래 외국환거래법은 미화 1만불을 초과하는외화 등을 신고 없이 반입 반출할 경우 형사처벌(1년 이하의 징역 또는 1억원 이하의 벌금)을 하도록 규정하고 있었습니다이와 같은 규제로 범법자가 양산된다는 문제에 따라 이번에개정된 외국환거래법에서는 미화 2만불 이상의 범위에서 대통령령으로 정하는 금액 이하인경우에 대해서는 형사처벌의 대상에서 제외하였습니다그러나 이로써 처벌이 완전히 면제되는 것이 아니라 미화 1만을 초과하는 경우과태료(5천만원 이하)의 처벌을 받게 되므로주의를 기울일 필요가 있겠습니다.


Reentrancy Attack: 블록체인 스마트 컨트랙트의 치명적인 취약점

블록체인 기술이 전 세계적으로 주목받으면서 스마트 컨트랙트(Smart Contract)의 사용이 급격히 증가하고 있습니다. 하지만 그만큼 보안 취약점도 함께 늘어나고 있는데, 그 중에서도 Reentrancy Attack(재진입 공격)은 매우 치명적이고...